Why is Platinum so precious? What is the value of Platinum? From my previous article What is Platinum? , I have already introduced What Platinum is. So today, I am going to tell you why is Platinum so valuable and even more precious than Gold. Why is Platinum so PRECIOUS? Rareness is the curial answer to this question. The supply is under deficit in the globe. Demand is always higher than supply due to insufficient mines in the world, indeed. Around the world, there are only a few Platinum mines, including Montana, in the USA; Western Ontario, in Canada; the Ural Mountains in Russia; but about 80% of the Platinum is from Bushveld, in South Africa. Learn more from Major countries in global mine production of platinum from 3014 to 2018 from Statista. Source: https://www.statista.com/statistics/273645/global-mine-production-of-platinum/ What kinds of Value does Platinum have? Industrial wise value Platinum is one of the most critical elements during the ...

Hi, I am a artisan from Seoul, South Korea. I like to use Platinum Pt950 in creating my jewelry works. Not many of people knows the good things in using Platinum to create jewelry. But in fact Platinum is just a charm and attractive material in this world. So, I want to introduce this amazing material to all of you! :)